HEADS UP: I've got capital to invest in ESTABLISHED Coaching, Consulting, SAAS or high ticket retreat or mastermind businesses.

My preferred niches of focus are health, spirituality, relationships and online business.

Here's how it works:

I'm looking to invest in situations where I can add (at least) a $milly, in gross revenue to your biz in the next 12 months.

To start, for the right business, I will fund 100% of your Lead Gen AND Sales Team which sells your $5k to $60k coaching programs, SAAS, memberships or high ticket retreats or masterminds.

*This includes 100% of the startup and ONGOING expenses of...
*Surveying prospects and clients including complete survey analysis
*Offer framing, positioning, testing
*Funnel and copywriting development
*Training, hiring and project management
*All direct mail postage, copy and mailing services
*Email marketing for your offer
*FB Group monetization
*Live chat salespersons
*Ongoing management of all the above so all you have to do is SERVICE your clients.

If you've got a $5k+ offer and have been established at least 2 years and have a track record of sales and CLIENT SATISFACTION...(And you can REALISTICALLY handle 50 or more clients.) Reach out today at my personal email: nathaniel (at) demian.life
